Wednesday, June 1, 2011

swell if i know.

Gauges are used for many things.  To gauge how much baby fat I have put I on get on that demonic device known as a scale.  To gauge how much junk food I've eaten I take stock of my heartburn.  And to gauge how swollen my foot is I check my toe ring.  Yeah, maybe toe rings have been "out" since the early 2000's.  I haven't taken mine off since college.  Little did I know it would declare itself an early indicator of swollen feet.  The height of cool-  Pregnant woman.  Toe ring.  Swollen toe.
Third Trimester.  Enter swollen limbs.


Anonymous said...

I test my wedding band everyday....HOPING IT STILL LIDS OFF! Lol!

Anonymous said...

Kaley you have cute toes ;)