Wednesday, June 13, 2012

sewing for my piranha baby.

 Owen is a teething baby, with teeth.  The decision was made to make a crib rail teether when I had to hold down my flailing baby to pick the crib varnish from between his teeth.  I don't necessarily mind that he's biting the crib, Twinky has already done plenty of damage to it with her kitten fangs.  I just don't want him to eat varnish.

I had some leftover fabric from his rocking chair recover and ribbon from his french board.  After some measuring I sewed some fabric together with ribbon and some batting in between.

Sigh, he's so cute!
Enjoying the fruits of my labor.  

See why I needed this?  He goes to town on that crib railing.  

 Well, Teethy Teetherson somehow figured out how to shred the ribbon with his little teeth.  I came in and long ribbon fibers were wrapped all around his wrists.  Danger zone!!

I was loathe to redo this project with velcro.  It would take better measuring.  The velcro had to attach just right for it to fit and not slide.  Re-do I must for I cannot stand idly by and watch my baby eat varnish.  Nor can I stand to spend money on something I could do myself (and cuter).

There wasn't much fabric left, so I had to piece it together.  I should have put 11 tabs on each side, but it was taking too long and his nap was almost over, so I skipped a few as you can see.  Turns out, miraculously, I measured correctly because the railing teether fits like a dream!

Owen loves biting it, so I guess it's baby approved.

P.S. Is anyone noticing his pirate dog t-shirt?  So funny!


kateANDpeaj said...

you are talented my friend

Anonymous said...

That is a snazzy pirate dog shirt!