Sunday, January 2, 2011

6 weeks. 5 days.

I'm pregnant.  It's a secret right now.  I've never been great at keeping secrets.  The next 5 weeks of my life are going to be spent finding a way to hide my expanding waistline (and bust line) from everyone I know.  Oh a chosen few know the secret.  Just a few.

I want everyone to know that I'm exhausted.  I'm tired!  This baby has caused me to lose the will to clean or wear things that look cute or to care about much in general.  All I care about... is napping!  I've lost half a pound, I feel a little queasy every now and then, and then I nap.

My brain hurts.  Is this natural?

If all goes as planned Baby P will arrive at the very end of August.  I'm excited.

Now I'm going to take a nap.

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