Sunday, January 30, 2011

no more skinny jeans.

I can no longer button my pants.  I could, but they are very uncomfortable and I'm afraid I'm squishing my baby.  The solution to this problem?  The BeBand.  I got one yesterday.  I test drove it out at dinner.  This band goes over your unbuttoned non-maternity pants and makes them comfy.  I was especially thankful for it after I was full... and my bladder was full.  No pressure here.  Check it out.

I know it doesn't look like much of a bump- but I really can't button my pants over it!

Wahlaa!  I just look like I ate a turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  No suspicions here!


Filia Dei said...

Oh my gosh, you are such a cute pregnant lady.

Anonymous said...

Cute shirt. Wish I had one just like it.
Love, Grammummsie