Friday, January 21, 2011

work. lame.

I'm 9 weeks pregnant.  Going to work is tough right now.  Praise the Lord I only work part time.  I'm tired, I'm getting pregnancy brain, I'm irritated, and I gag a lot.  It's tough to feel your worst and also be keeping a secret.  I'm not doing my best...because I'm just not.  I just want to shout from the rooftops "I'm Pregnant!"

I also stopped taking Molly for her 2 mile walks.  This is because I'm tired.  It's also because I usually do it in the morning, and in the morning I am sick.  All my pregnancy books are telling me to keep exercising.  I know I need to take the dog for a walk.  I know this.  I just want to sleep and feel sorry for myself.  Well, that and eat pita chips.

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