Tuesday, February 22, 2011

13 Weeks.

This is the week of dizziness.  The week of headaches, the week of blurry vision.  Personally I blame estrogen.

Do you want to hear a pregnancy anecdote?  No?  Well then read my other blog.  When you get pregnant people don't care about you anymore.  Not your friends.  Not your students... "Wow, you're eating that piece of chocolate cake?  Your baby is going to be addicted to sugar!"  Not even your own body.  My own body steals oxygen rich blood from my brain and sends it straight to my womb.  Good, I'm glad.  Perfect.  The result?  I'm confused.  I can't carry on a conversation.  I'm not even sure what direction this blog is going in.  I can tell you I just turned my head really quick and blood rushed... out of.. to?  my head.
I thought you might like to see what I look like when I'm typing this blog.  I realized how bizarre I looked and froze my expression to then capture it in photobooth.  I'm kind of embarrassed by it, but what is pregnancy if not embarrassing and kind of unsexy.  Actually, really unsexy.

If you've not been able to decipher this blog- me neither.  Come back when my brain is getting some oxygen.  Will I always be like this?  You are all lucky I didn't go through on my threat to type this blog without fixing it- you'd be even MORE confused.  To make up for it, here are some belly shots.

This is my belly.  My baby is the size of a peach.

This is my belly if I suck in as HARD as I possibly can.  It's probably not good for the baby.

1 comment:

Filia Dei said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE............. That's such a cute baby belly!!!!

Sorry, I guess I'm a little mushy because my youngest niece is going to be a mommy!