Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the good, the bad, and the ugly.

my beautiful maternity top... in EVERY color!
Here's something really great about pregnancy (besides the whole getting a baby you love part).  They make clothes for your poor changing body.  These are called maternity clothes and they have come a long way since the 80's.  God bless you Old Navy for giving this discouraged pregnant lady a 10 dollar shirt that made her feel super hot!  I love maternity clothes.

That was good.  The bad?  Realizing that your camisoles are leaving a red mark on your chest because it's expanding.  32?  HA!  36 inch bust coming right up courtesy of your hormones!  Is the muffin top in your jeans because your hips are expanding or is it because you gave in and bought that pint of rocky road?  (incidentally I have not gained weight in the past two weeks, thank you very much)

The ugly?  How is it possible to get so hairy?   I don't want to know the scientific reasoning behind bleeding gums, but it sure is inconvenient.

However, on the up side, my bleeding gums and expanding chest are no matter- because I have maternity clothes and I'm not nauseous, which means I can do my make up!

Don't judge my typing or grammar or syntactical mistakes.  My brain left about two weeks ago when my body re-routed my blood supply from my brain to my womb.

1 comment:

Elise Goad said...

1. you should write a book (it would be funny) - check out "Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy". You would probably enjoy it- lots of sarcasm!

2. Bleeding gums - buy Crest ProHealth for your gums. it prevents pregnancy gingivitis :)

3. Check out consignment shops for maternity clothes. I went to a consignment store in Wilmington, NC and they had maternity clothes that didn't even look worn. I bet you have some really good stores since you are in a highly populated area!

4. Sorry if I give you too much "advice". Its just so fun being pregnant and having a baby, it's hard not to share your joy and experiences!