Tuesday, February 15, 2011

it's a miracle!

It's a miracle, and no it isn't the life that is growing inside of me.

Miraculously I woke up Sunday at 12 weeks and felt... awesome!  I did not gag when I brushed my teeth.  I didn't have to dry heave and spit 10 tons of excess saliva into the sink... too much information?  I went to church.  I went shopping for groceries.  I bought fruit and I didn't buy chips!

And you know what?  I felt good today too.  Barring the occasional exhaustion and dizzy spells the second trimester seems extremely promising.  I may, in fact, be able to live life like a normal human being- that is, until my third trimester starts!


tp said...

hooray! what great news :)
i. can't. wait. to. visit.

Carol said...

Wow, What great news! Congratulations to you and Nick. A baby, how exciting for you.

Filia Dei said...

Yay! But I still gag when I brush my teeth.