Sunday, April 17, 2011

real american (pregnancy) hero.

Me.  And Owen.  And Molly's head off to the right.  

When you are a large, bloated, pregnant woman you will take any compliments you can get.  Even if you are sure it might be a lie...

My co worker Kelly said to me "You don't look pregnant from behind."  This has bolstered my confidence all week.   In my opinion, this is the highest pregnancy compliment to be paid.  I guess that makes me shallow, but I care not for your judgements.

I refuse to post a picture of me from behind on the chance that I can tell I am pregnant and ruin the comment!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

No, trust me, I am serious! You were talking to a kid on the playground & I saw you from behind and for a moment forget you were prego. Then you turned around & it was like, "Duh! Blonde moment!"
So from the back you don't look prego, and from the front you are the cutesy pregnant woman I've ever seen!!