Good news. I have to endure one week less of pregnancy! The ultrasound tech let me know that I am 21 weeks today which moves my due date to August 23.
Nick and I are having a boy! I was almost sure we were having a boy in the beginning of the pregnancy, and then about two weeks ago I wasn't sure... so I didn't vote on my own poll. Nick never doubted it would be a boy. In response to finding out the baby's gender Nick immediately pulled out his iPhone and began looking up "red sox infant apparel."
I will scan the ultrasound photos at some point, but they aren't very good... the orange juice I drank kicked in and that baby started rocking and rolling- away from the front of my uterus. You win some, you lose some. Every time I lean forward he kicks me as if to say "You're squishing me!" For that baby I apologize, it will only get more and more cramped!
yay boy!!!!
I'm so happy! I would love this little baby whether it was a girl or a boy. So I will now love my little grandboy - can't wait to hold him in my arms. Gramummsie
My boy used to punch me in the thighs. Now he's bigger than me. LOL.
I can't wait to smell that baby's head. I love baby hair smell!
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