Wednesday, June 8, 2011

29 weeks.

wait.  it's going to get bigger?

Well, the third trimester is everything it promised.  It's coming in swollen and tired.  Owen now has the ability to get under my ribs.  He only ever gets under the right side though.  So I now wrap my foot because all my weight is leaning on my right side.
I am also causing people close to me to gain weight.  I won't go down alone.  Share my rocky road or face my wrath.  Who says no to a pregnant woman?

1 comment:

Elise Goad said...

Have you had your right side of your body go numb when you sleep? That's also a really fun symptom of pregnancy! praying that owen would get comfy NOT in your ribs because you will have a long 11 weeks ahead of you...