Tuesday, August 2, 2011

overheard at labor and delivery class.

I'm not making this up.

pregnant woman:
"Would it be okay if I wore a sundress underneath my hospital gown?  I'm afraid I won't be covered up enough"

l&d nurse:
"Uhm, yes.  But it might get dirty.  You can't wear underwear"

Can I just say- there is NO way you care about anyone seeing your butt or anything else for that matter when you are pushing an eight pound baby out of your queen victoria!

The nurse handed out notecards which the class had to categorize as a warning sign, early labor, or active labor.

"My card says contractions 3 minutes apart.  I think this is a warning sign"

Well I think it means you're about to be dilated enough to have a baby and you should haul yourself to the hospital.  Glad she went to this class.

l&d nurse (just gave a loong explanation of positioning during birth)-
 "Does anyone have any questions about the baby being in a transverse (horizontal) position?"

"I don't understand why it would hurt to move a baby from a transverse position."

Really guy?  Put your hand down and ask your wife.

Nick and I have decided that since we are not mentally deficient and we already got our tour of labor and delivery so we will not be going back to this class.  Common sense seems to be an alternative to the two hours of powerpoint each Tuesday.  Next week the class is learning about baby care.  I'm thinking some men are going to be shocked that babies don't drink goats milk and brush their own teeth.

1 comment:

Filia Dei said...

They will give you two gowns.

One to wear the right way and one to put on as a long jacket.