Thursday, October 13, 2011


How many shirts can I soak through, get spit up on, or get hot ginger colored baby poop on?  Well, on average two a day.  

I've contemplated describing the hell that is my surgical wound on here, lightheartedly of course, but I think my male readers (the few that I have) would most certainly throw up in their mouths.  In your mouth.  Trust me. You would.  Or at the very least you would grimace and skim the rest of the description if not ceasing altogether.  

Hey, if you want to see it I'll post a picture.  Let me know in the comments.  (yeah right!)


Filia Dei said...

I'm torn about the picture. I had sympathy pain for you. Not on the correct side and not in the correct spot. :)

I totally stopped even worrying about being puked on and stuff at one point. I am so happy for you, that you have a baby, and so happy for me that my baby is twelve. Kind of. Hormones stink.

Jen said...

Want to see it. Fo sure...
(Jen) :)

L said...

In my professional opinion, of course I want to see the gory photos. But that's just me.