Tuesday, November 8, 2011

body by baby.

If I had to choose some adjectives to describe my body they would be: lumpy, saggy, gelatinous, gross, bulging, and gross.  Did I say gross twice?  The worst part are my Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde boobs.  I'm trying to get the milk supply up in my surgery side, but it is not very successful.

Don't you want to have babies now?

Also, I need to lose 10 pounds.  That means I have to go on a diet.  Quite frankly I enjoy eating onion rings and candy bars.  This is going to be the hardest 10  pounds of my life!!


Anonymous said...

I recommend losing the 10 lbs from your right boob. Not that you need to lose any weight. Mumsie

Filia Dei said...

I recommend you get that left boobie working like it's supposed to and then you'll drop those pounds because the calories will be going to the milk factory.
I love you both!(My niece and my sister, not your girls!)