Thursday, November 3, 2011


Changing diapers in a public restroom.  It's gross.  Sometimes it's okay depending on the bathroom.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the diaper table and found a weighty smear of poop.  Imagine my trepidation as I set my flailing baby on the poopy table.

And another thing!  Sure he got a little poop on his onesie... but do I risk changing that onesie and getting stranger baby poop on his hand?  I opted to let him stay in his poop.

The decisions you make when you are a mom.  Most of them involve poop.


Anonymous said...

And your nephew is all about the poop right now. So it's either about actual poop or just saying the word poop because it's a funny word. "sigh"

Katie Durski said...

hahahaha I laughed so loud at this post. thank you. (but i'm sorry for your poop issues)