Sunday, March 4, 2012

a visit to the pond.

I have a big neighborhood.  So big that it houses a ginormous pond that has ducks, geese, seagulls, and turtles in it.  It was so nice outside today, think San Diego- no humidity- a little breeze- 70 degrees, that I decided to take the crew up to the pond.  Twinky had to stay home, but I'm so crazy I was trying to devise a way to enclose the bottom of the stroller in see through netting so that she could also come.  I know.

twinky has eaten every pacifier
except for this and one other.  

the geese.

isn't he handsome?  watching the geese.  

she was watching the road.  i guess she was protecting us.

azaleas in bloom!  or are they rhododendrons... 

we both have the sniffles today, but we still had fun!


Laura Leigh Dobson said...

hope your sniffles get better! and yes, those are azaleas. :)

Filia Dei said...

You can buy cat strollers.

TP said...

someone can buy cat strollers. YOU may not. :)