Wednesday, April 4, 2012

i hate you cat.

My cat, Twinky, is not mean.  What she lacks in malice she makes up for in mischief.  She is the worst behaved cat I have ever encountered.  She is persistent in her pursuit of mayhem.  Her latest conquest has been eating sixty dollars worth of pacifiers.  Her conquest was successful, she won the battle, not the war.

She has employed the strategy of jumping in Owen's crib to get his pacifier.

When I scruff her to get her out she just purrs.  A glutton for punishment I suppose.  So I bought her a jingle bell collar.  Can I just say, a purple kitten collar looks frightfully out of place on such a bad cat.  My thoughts were that if I could hear her I could stop her from getting in the crib.

Well, guess who learned how to extricate themselves from that jingle bell collar?  Twinky.

don't look directly into her eyes.  you'll turn to stone.

My last resort was to lock her in the closet while Owen naps and then lock her in the bathroom when it's bedtime.

Twinky.  The closet cat.

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