Do you ever wish something fantastical would happen to you? That you would suddenly open a doorway and it leads, not into the next room, but into a dreamworld of magic?
I do. All the time. My friend has a tiny door in her kitchen and I found myself wishing it went to Narnia. The urge to open it and peek in was overwhelming.
Yesterday Owen and I went to Nick's dentist appointment with him. A family field trip! Owen and I had lunch next door while Nick got his teeth cleaned. A teenager walked in with the same color shirt on as Owen had. Can you believe that I started to wonder if it was Owen from the future and he had come back to warn me of something? If he hugged me and said "Mom!" would I hug him back? If I were reading a novel, I would want the mother to instinctively know that this is her child, though he be older and from the future and unrecognizable.
I know I'm crazy.
1 comment:
I find myself in exactly the same position, minus the whole "take my baby on a field trip" part...If an owl landed on my balcony this minute, I'd be convinced I was going to Hogwarts.
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