Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Bite you?  Sure!

Sometimes babies get too smart.  Then they get teeth.  Owen always knew one boobie produced better and easier milk.  Now he knows that when he gets the bad side he can bite it.  And bite it he does.

I have stuck it out for a long time with one giant boob.  My entire posture is suffering. Think Igor from Frankenstein.

So, how long until I can wean this baby?


Filia Dei said...

You can start at 9 months. Unless you want to start sooner. Then do. But get yourself on the pill and actually take it unless you are fine with surprises.

rebekah said...

You can stop whenever you want...I have read 6 months is the recommendation. I am sorry girl...you are a good mommy. That means formula...and that's expensive so you have to weigh the pro's and con's...your hot with or with out a huge boob.

greatishisfaithfulness said...

Train him not to bite!