Monday, May 14, 2012

what's trending? two.

hashtag birth stories.

As an aside, I want you all to understand that I understand that typing hashtag does not, in fact, cause my blog to trend on Twitter.  

Whenever moms get together it seems we always end up talking about giving birth.  Was it easy?  Was it hard?  Did you have an epidural?  How dilated were you?  Did your water break?

Nothing can alienate a woman who hasn't yet birthed a child quite like talking about birthing one.  It's one of those things you can't describe to someone, they just have to go through it.  Not in a holier than thou type of way either, it's just (quite frankly) an intangible thing.

People get all kinds of judgmental.  They're all like "You didn't have a water birth?!" or "You had a water birth?!"

Then they all try to one up each other.
"Why I nearly up chucked a lung when I was pushing out my 13 pound baby!"
"There was so much blood that they had to erect police tape around the labor and delivery floor!"
"I was in labor so long that the mayan calender ended before I gave birth!"

That being said, I love to hear a good birth story.  The gorier and grosser and longer and more dramatic it is the more likely I am to enjoy it.

1 comment:

rebekah said...

Oh my gosh you are sick...sick kaley! So true is like comparing your war stories...who got more wounds etc. But it is such a huge accomplishment and ordeal you just cant help but talk about it. Did you come up with the quotes at the fav was the police tape one. ha