Monday, March 28, 2011

18 weeks.

I thought that I would share with you some of my random thoughts on being 18 weeks pregnant.
my "other mother" nails.  coraline reference...

Prenatal vitamins have made my nails super strong and super long... because they never break.  Pregnancy has also made me a little apathetic about how I look.  This means I'm not bothered to trim my nails.  They're so long.

I don't have many cravings, but when I want something- I WANT it!!  Now!!

"Nick, Give me a hot dog, or lose your life.  Your choice.  I would choose the hot dog."

I can't reach for things anymore.  With a uterus the size of a cantaloupe and a sweet potato sized baby and the torso of a dwarf, I can no longer reach things farther away than two feet.

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