Tuesday, March 29, 2011

boy or girl?

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People.  I want you to vote.  I want you to vote on the sex of my baby.  I will give you nothing if you win. After all, it's a 50/50 chance.

I've had this gut feeling it's a boy, but lately I've been dreaming it's a girl.  The verdict comes on April 11.  Unless the baby crosses his/her legs and/or the ultrasound tech is wrong.

Get your vote on!  (It's on the side of the blog!)


Vargas said...

It will most likely be a wizard

Drea said...

Girl, girl, girl. It's the year of girl and you're carrying high! I had 3 dreams that Jolie was a girl...and she was :)

Also, I was told to drink a Mt. Dew before my ultrasound to ensure knowing the sex...it was the grossest thing ever @ 6am, but it worked! I CAN'T WAIT!

Annnd...you are so freakin' cute! I can't wait to see your preggo self!

Anonymous said...

Madison says girl.
I say boy.


Anonymous said...

I think it will be a girl...and she will be catching fire!!!

Anonymous said...

I guessed a boy but I know one thing for sure - I will love that little baby no matter if she's a she or he's a he! Grammy