Tuesday, January 31, 2012

hair today, gone tomorrow.

Just so all of you know- this post is going to be a little on the "TMI" side.
this really has nothing to do with my post...
i just think he's cute.

Owen recently turned five months.  He's growing like a weed.  Just as he hit five months all of my hair started to fall out.  I had heard tell of this phenomenon, but I thought it happened at three months.  For those of you who know not of what I speak, pregnancy hormones tell your hair not to fall out.  So none of your hair sheds for the duration of your pregnancy- hence good pregnancy hair (not always true, but I digress).  There is hair everywhere.  EVERY.  Where!  It's coming out in globs.

Just as my hair started to fall out I noticed Owen's poops decreasing rapidly.  My man soiled a good five to six diapers daily.  Then suddenly he didn't poop one day.  The next day he gifted me with the poopiest diaper I have ever seen.  I wonder if this had to do with my hormones changing- perhaps they changed my milk.  I don't really feel like researching it... so the world will never know.  And by the world I mean me.  I wonder if I'm ovulating.  Good thing Nick's not here to knock me up!!


Elise Goad said...

hahah my hair just started slowing down thank God because I wondered if it was possible to go bald after a baby! p.s.- I guess the only benefit of your husband away is that you don't have to go on the pill!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Lord.

Cute pic of Owen though.