Thursday, February 9, 2012


Owen is teething.  Owen is teething and Nick is gone and Owen cries and then I want to cry and then I yell at Twinky because Owen just fell asleep and she found a bell in his bedroom to romp around with, then I cave and give Owen Tylenol and then I go to sleep and start again.

Owen is no fussy baby.  Owen is the champion of all babies.  He really only cries at night time.  During the day he makes this "Fire Marshall Bill" face a lot.

Then he doesn't want to sleep and I say "Okay" and then we watch "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" together.  And he says "Mom- I hope Harry saves Ginny Weasley from the basilisk" and I say "I hope so too Owen.  I hope so too"

Okay- so that last part didn't happen, but a girl has got to talk to somebody.

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